Thank you for all these thought provoking questions. The book sounds great! I’ve been thinking about external validation and how it plays out in my life. I wonder if there is a shortcut to fixing that! Hahaha

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Hi Stella - I read Barbara Sher's books a few years ago and found them interesting, but they made me realize that I didn't need to feel driven to achieve and base my self-worth on productivity any more. I love my quieter life, I love dabbling in lots of things rather than trying to nail down a "passion" to follow. Midlife has freed me from a lot of the self-doubt and people pleasing that I revolved my life around when I was younger.

I actually wrote a post last week on "advice I'd give my younger self" and the surprise from it all was that I wouldn't do life any differently - if it had been easier, or I'd been richer, or had more opportunities, I wouldn't be who I am now - and I like who I am and what I've become, so life is good and I'm grateful every day. I think it takes several years to figure out how all this works and it's different for each of us - some need to be busier and more invested than others....

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