I feel like I could have written this myself! Gosh you sound so busy, I hope you find a writing schedule that works for you and doesn’t contribute to burn out. If you need a cheerleader, please let me know! We sound very similar. 💕

And about public vs private. Personally, I want it to go out and help people, but my personal thoughts aren’t for acquaintances who just want to be noisey. I think your idea of having a ‘anon’ is fab!

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You’ve captured so much of my writing life. I also started with a blog (anonymous) when I was caring for my mom with Alzheimer’s, as a place to channel my thoughts and connect with other caregivers. That evolved into personal essays, some published, some not. Then, a weekly semi-anonymous substack (bc I was nervous to put myself out there). I finally came out of the shadows this year with another substack, the reboot of my late mom’s cooking newsletter. It’s been quite a journey and continues to evolve and all I’ll say is keep writing! The answers will come.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Stella

I suppose I’m one of those who have stuck around. I’m still here and rooting for ya! :)

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