Life is maya -- illusion. Time flies. I think having a swat now and removes the pesky tick of the clock and when that is done we can all get on with our lives. Love another, live free and accept the fact that when God wants to take you there’s no back talk. You transit on the next dandelion’s down float into ethereal realms and sprout in a new place like in your best dreams where time does not exist. You’ve come full circle in the cosmic dust one among many already gone ahead as light begins that I see in sunshine specks.

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The succinct lines, 'Yesterday's gone, forget and never mention't. Tomorrow's not here, waste not your time on't. That which is not come, that which is yet to come, forget them all. Be happy now and waste not your life,' encapsulate the essence of living in the now.

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Enjoyed this reminder to be present in the present.

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